Release v1.8.2

Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres database that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting. You can install this version using:

$ pip install -U pgcli


  • Use other prompt (prompt_dsn) when connecting using --dsn parameter. (Thanks: Marcin Sztolcman)
  • Include username into password prompt. (Thanks: Bojan Delić)

Internal changes:

  • Use temporary dir as config location in tests. (Thanks: Dmitry B)
  • Fix errors in the tee test (#795 and #797). (Thanks: Irina Truong)
  • Increase timeout for quitting pgcli. (Thanks: Dick Marinus)

Bug Fixes:

  • Do NOT quote the database names in the completion menu (Thanks: Amjith Ramanujam)
  • Fix error in unix_socket_directories (#805). (Thanks: Irina Truong)
  • Fix the --list command line option tries to connect to 'personal' DB (#816). (Thanks: Isank)

